Dr. Deb's "Full Body Equine Anatomy"
These classes are temporarily on hold. We'll let you know when more are scheduled!
Meanwhile, answers to some common questions:
WHO CAN ENROLL? Anyone -- you do not have to have a college degree or a biology background. Horse owners, farriers, equine dentists, those hoping to establish themselves as hands-on therapists in any number of modes have been our students in the past. The main qualification is your interest in knowing more about "how hortses work."
IS IT GROSS? WILL IT SMELL BAD? It smells like the meat department at your local butcher's. I will not permit students to work with anything rotten. Students are highly encouraged to take photographs as various key point are dissected. As to it being "gross" -- God does not make junk. Horses are beautiful and fascinating on the inside, just as they are on the outside. Your raction to being in the lab will largely be the product of the attitude you come into the lab with.
COURSE CONTENT: WHAT WILL I LEARN? This is a survey course meaning we cover a lot of different aspects and body systems, although the main focus is on the musculo-skeletal system (muscles and bones). I try to address any specific interests or concerns that students bring. My lectures focus on those aspects of biomechanics most relevant to riding and training horses, particularly concerning collection, straightness, raising the base of the neck. We also cover teeth and the digestive system and hoof and distal limb anatomy, shoeing and trimming.
HOW WILL TAKING THE CLASS BENEFIT ME? It is 100% guaranteed to make you a better rider and horse trainer --most people involved in this have no real or accurate idea of how the horse's body works, and this causes many bad decisions to be made in terms of training technique. The class is also pivotal for those wanting to certify in one or another school that teaches hands-on technique. We gladly partner with Debranne Patillo's Equinology program, for example.
WHAT DOES IT COST? Enrollment is $1000USD for the intensive five-day instruction. We sometimes also offer "early bird discounts" -- watch for announcements in the Forum.
HOW CAN I ENROLL? This information will be posted here whena new class is scheduled.